Sunday, July 22, 2007

There's not been a proper update in a while, so I figured now is as good a time as any to fill you in on some current haps.

Hap #1. We're auditioning a second guitarist. Well, the more accurate way to phrase it would be, we're teaching this guy the songs, and if he picks them up, and doesn't turn out to be a total dick when it comes to writing, he'll be in the band. Most of you in Birmingham probably already know who this is, but in the spirit of horseshit, I'll keep his name a secret for now.

Hap #2. Looks like Kevin's record trading has finally paid off, for someone besides him, and the USPS, at least. A friend of his that he met through the practice has offered to help us with the release and distribution of our forthcoming demo. More info on this as it comes in.

Hap #3. Walker's in Venezuela until the 28th, so that's cool.

Hap #4. Trent walked into the Casey Jones set last night to hear the crowd sing the lyric, "I'd rather suck a dick." He felt very conflicted.

Hap #5. Allan's always sore these days.

Hap #6. Kevin's dog Freddie has a huge ass. No shit.

Hap #7. We're releasing the 5-song demo on Saturday August 11th, at Cave9, with Social Treason, King Everything, Legion?, and Social Neglect. If you don't come, you're an asshole.

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